A fiery legal battle is brewing in Nairobi after a court granted over 200 mitumba traders a lifeline to contest the demolition of their stalls in Gikomba.

The disputed land, valued at a staggering £8.3 million, is slated for the construction of a much-needed fire station, sparking fury among the traders who have operated there for nearly eight decades.

Justice Sammy Aswani Opande ruled in favour of lawyer Danstan Omari, who represents the aggrieved vendors.

Omari successfully argued for the chance to file a fresh lawsuit to prevent the demolition.

The traders have occupied the stalls for a remarkable 78 years, and Omari now has a tight window of two hours to submit a comprehensive case backed by solid evidence.

This evidence will reportedly include permits issued by the very county government now seeking their eviction, adding a layer of complexity to the case.

A potentially game-changing piece of evidence could be a video clip featuring President William Ruto's campaign promise to the traders in 2022.

The clip reportedly shows Ruto, after purchasing a shirt from one of the stalls, assuring the vendors they wouldn't be forced out.

"The plight of the traders must be guarded jealously against the aggressors who have received licenses levy and now they have turned against the hopeless claimants," Omari passionately argued before the judge.

The court was also informed of the tragic deaths of two traders following the demolition of their stalls by county bulldozers just two months ago.

The judge's initial dismissal of the traders' attempt to amend their previous claims due to missing authorisation proof has now paved the way for this fresh lawsuit.

The traders, many of whom are senior citizens desperately pleaded with the court for intervention, fearing they would be left destitute if evicted from their livelihoods.

Representing the county government, Didda Halakhe vehemently opposed the new lawsuit, citing the undeniable public interest served by the fire station project.

However, Justice Opande recognised the merit of the traders' application and waived an earlier cost order against them for attempting to amend the previous case.

The judge emphasised the unfairness of the traders facing the double jeopardy of demolition and legal costs.