Pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has pledged to bolster its efforts in combating lung cancer in Africa, a region grappling with a disproportionately high burden of the disease.

The company, in conjunction with World Lung Cancer Day, highlighted its ongoing initiatives aimed at early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of this deadly cancer.

Lung cancer, a leading cause of cancer-related deaths globally, presents a particularly acute challenge in Africa.

According to the Global Cancer Observatory 2020, incidence rates vary significantly across the continent, with South Africa reporting the highest figures.

The crisis is exacerbated by late-stage diagnoses and limited access to advanced care.

A stark reality is that over 90 per cent of lung cancer cases in Africa are detected at a late stage, resulting in a dismal five-year survival rate of less than 1 per cent.

AstraZeneca has positioned itself at the forefront of addressing this crisis.

The company's Connect to Care initiative, a collaboration with Axios International and local medical associations, is designed to expedite the diagnostic process for lung cancer patients.

By fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, the program seeks to improve accuracy and timeliness in diagnosis.

"Our mission is to bridge the chasm in lung cancer care across Africa," declared Deepak Arora, African Cluster Country President at AstraZeneca.

"By enhancing access to diagnostics and treatments, we aspire to redefine the trajectory of lung cancer outcomes on the continent."

A cornerstone of AstraZeneca's strategy is the Diagnostic Patient Navigation programme, which offers comprehensive support to patients from initial symptoms to confirmed diagnosis.

This initiative prioritizes timely access to diagnostic facilities, patient education, and efficient sample management for crucial EGFR testing.

To address the fragmented cancer diagnostic landscape in Kenya, AstraZeneca has partnered with Aga Khan University Hospital to establish EGFR testing capabilities.

This collaborative effort aims to streamline diagnosis and treatment pathways.

Expanding its footprint, AstraZeneca has introduced molecular testing in Nigeria, a landmark development in oncology care for the region.

Through collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health Nigeria, the company is empowering healthcare professionals to deliver precise lung cancer diagnoses.

"Early detection and accurate diagnosis are paramount in improving lung cancer outcomes," emphasised Dr Khomotso Mashilane, Medical Director at AstraZeneca.

"Our initiatives are meticulously designed to streamline the diagnostic journey and elevate patient care."

By investing in research, partnerships, and innovative programs, AstraZeneca is demonstrating its unwavering commitment to transforming lung cancer care in Africa.

The company believes that through early detection, improved access to diagnostics, and patient advocacy, it can significantly impact the lives of countless individuals affected by this devastating disease.

World Lung Cancer Day serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing battle against this formidable adversary.

AstraZeneca’s initiatives stand as a beacon of hope, illuminating a path towards a future where lung cancer is no longer a death sentence.