By Paul Njoroge

Early signs point to a possibility of establishment of a fascist regime in Kenya. It's really worrying that the first political act by Dr. Ruto since he was declared winner by Chebukati is assimilation of MPs elect into his side of coalition.

When one begins to dangle the carrot of promissory governmental favors to the opposition even before taking oath of office, that becomes a red flag.

Over the last few years, Dr. Ruto has been lamenting and castigating the media for allegations of unfair coverage.

The last few months, his lieutenants have consistently trained their guns to the press, firing barrage of demeaning insults, and thinly veiled threats even to individual journalists and media houses who they think are not friendly to the hustler narrative.

Your guess as to what one with a bone to chew with media can do once in power is as good as mine.

Co-option of the media either through intimidation, forced disappearances or ultimate liquidation like the Saudi regime did to Jamal Gashoggi may not be out of the equation.

When media is silenced, a critical voice is suffocated, just the same way leasing the opposition in government quarters cripples alternative voice, thought and action.

History is replete with politicians who rode to power through popular narratives only for them to morph up into veritable dictators as they spread their tentacles along the contours of power.

Benito Mussolini of Italy rose to power through a wave of anti-socialist propaganda only later to create a fascist dictatorship with neither regard for democratic principles nor human rights.

When a government which seems uncharacteristically bitter with opponents and the media comes to power, the country runs the risk of suffering under authoritarianism which accommodates no alternative ideas and crushes opposition with ruthless violence.

Adolf Hitler also came to power through popular propaganda. He was loved by people when they supported his ascendancy to the pinnacle of power in Germany.

However, once in power, in a mad racist slaughter he turned his sword against innocent people exterminating lives of six million Jews.

Pinochet of Chile ascended to power as a savior only to mutate into a savage tyrant after decimating opposition and silencing alternative voice.

What I'm saying is winning a democratic election is not enough guarantee that democratic principles, constitutionalism and Rule of Law will be upheld full term.

Conducive and facilitative environment for the thriving of democratic institutions, enhancement of checks and balances by respecting the doctrine of separation of powers and appreciation of the sanctity of human rights forms the pillars of a progressive democratic culture.

When you over-promise, it automatically means you will not deliver and people will be disappointed. As such, one is left with few options.

One, crush dissent, two, look for a convenient scapegoat or three, climb to the pulpit of religion and feed the largely ignorant masses with utopian doses of heavenly spiritual buffet.

This is notwithstanding that citizens voted for you so that you can solve their earthly challenges as per the manifesto.

When things go south, some politicians have a cunning way of exchanging the manifesto with the Bible

Kenya is a secular state. This means there's no state religion like the ruling theocracies of say Iran or Saudi Arabia.

Despite the fact that Christians are the super majority, all religions are treated with equal respect as showcased during our national holidays and the national day prayer.

Kenyans carry their day to day activities with and among one another regardless of diverse religious beliefs.

Religious leaders such as the late John Cardinal Otunga, Ndingi Mwana Nzeki, Timothy Njoya Khalid Balala and many others have played cardinal roles in liberation of Kenya at various times in our democratic pilgrimage.

The church is the salt of our socio-political and moral bearing. Attempts to enlist the church as a governmental department would be a major setback to our progressive gains.

It's therefore imperative for citizens to be part of the vanguard forces, for the price of democracy is eternal vigilance.

The incoming government must resist the appetite for enlisting opposition, church and the media in the system.

Paul Njoroge is a former nominated Senator in Kenya