In a decisive show of support, Kirinyaga County Governor, Anne Waiguru, has backed President William Ruto’s recent initiative to establish a broad-based government, a move she believes will significantly foster national unity and mitigate the divisive politics that have recently begun to resurface.

The President’s restructuring of his cabinet, which now includes members of the opposition, has been praised by Waiguru as a strategic step towards ensuring peace and unity within the country.

She emphasised that the stability brought about by this inclusive leadership is crucial for the success of the ongoing development projects under President Ruto’s administration.

Addressing residents from the Mountain region, Waiguru urged them to resist the allure of divisive politics and instead rally behind President Ruto’s administration.

She highlighted the importance of unity in benefiting from the various development projects planned for the region.

"We the people of the Mountain region cannot afford to be in the opposition. I urge you to continue supporting President Ruto and give him time to fulfil his election pledges to the Mountain Region,” said Waiguru, underscoring the potential benefits that await those who align with the President's vision.

The Governor’s remarks were made during the groundbreaking ceremony of the Sagana Industrial City, a landmark project set to transform the region.

This ambitious initiative, which includes a Special Economic Zone, an Export Processing Zone, and a County Aggregation and Industrial Park, is expected to create numerous job opportunities not only within the county but also across the entire region.

Waiguru took the opportunity to caution certain leaders within the Mountain region against initiating premature political campaigns, a tactic she warned could derail the region's development agenda.

She urged these leaders to focus on development and allow the appropriate time for political discourse to take its course.

When the time is right, she assured, the Mountain will chart its political path after thorough consultations with all relevant stakeholders.

Lauding President Ruto’s adept handling of the nation’s political climate, Waiguru noted that his efforts have successfully lowered the high political temperatures that threatened to destabilise the country.

She commended his ability to navigate the situation with skill, ensuring the safety and stability of the nation.

As the Sagana Industrial City project moves forward, Waiguru expressed her confidence in its potential to be a game-changer for the region, marking it as a first of its kind and a pivotal development that will drive economic growth and job creation across Kirinyaga County and beyond.