Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has taken the lead in addressing the recent floods and landslides that have impacted several areas of the county.

Heavy rains have caused significant flooding, prompting the County Government to launch a swift and multi-pronged response.

Governor Waiguru activated all emergency disaster response mechanisms on Thursday, deploying additional machinery and manpower to drain water from marooned areas.

Excavators, backhoes, and trucks are currently clearing blocked drainage trenches and culverts in Tebere, Thiba, Wamumu, Gathigiriri, Mutithi, Kariti, Kangai, and Nyangati wards.

Additionally, the county is actively digging new drainage trenches to expedite water flow.

Working alongside the Governor is a newly formed joint disaster preparedness and response committee, co-chaired by Deputy Governor David Githanda and County Commissioner Hussein Allasow.

This committee plays a critical role in coordinating relief efforts and safeguarding lives and property during this time.

Residents in flood and landslide-prone areas are being advised to evacuate as a precaution.

Githanda said the county has mapped out the affected areas and implemented immediate interventions, including the ongoing trench excavation and canal desilting.

Commissioner Allasow assured residents that the situation is under control due to the County Government's swift response.

Relief supplies, including food, have been distributed to those affected by the floods.

He advised motorists to avoid flooded areas and those living near waterways to stay clear of swollen rivers.

“We have managed the situation and we are urging our people to be on high alert because we have been told by the weatherman that the rains might continue,” he said.

Schools are expected to reopen on Monday, with the exception of one whose condition is being closely monitored.

While acknowledging the positive impact of the interventions, Governor Waiguru highlighted a pressing concern.

Waiguru also noted some residents have built on riparian land and blocked drainage systems, exacerbating the flooding.

“I want to ask those blocking waterways to move away because our county is experiencing excess rains with Mwea being worst hit,” she said.

She urged residents near Thiba Dam and downstream areas to remain vigilant as the water reservoir is filling up rapidly.

Jared Migwi, the County Executive Committee Member for Transport, Roads, Public Works, and Housing, visited the flooded areas.

He emphasized that the county is focused on creating alternative water flow paths away from homes.

"The County Government has deployed excavators to assist residents marooned by the floods by digging trenches to drain the water, so that residents can access their homes," he stated.

The combined efforts of the County Government, disaster preparedness committee, and residents are crucial in mitigating the impact of the floods and ensuring a swift recovery for Kirinyaga County.