As schools across the nation reopen their doors, the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) has issued a strong call for increased vigilance on the roads, aiming to ensure the safety of all road users during this active period of the school calendar.

The NTSA's message resonates through its recent statement, emphasizing the shared responsibility for road safety and the critical role each individual plays in preventing accidents and safeguarding lives.

The NTSA's statement, released on Thursday, articulates their concern and commitment to fostering safer road habits.

"The Authority calls upon motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians to commute safely, responsibly, free from distractions and be extra vigilant to ensure our roads remain safe," the statement reads, highlighting the need for a collaborative effort in maintaining road safety.

Addressing drivers specifically, the NTSA stresses the gravity of their actions behind the wheel, not only for their own well-being but also for that of fellow road users.

The statement underlines, "Risky behaviour such as speeding, reckless driving, dangerous loading of persons, carrying excess passengers largely contribute to road carnage and should be avoided."

This firm reminder emphasizes the consequences of reckless driving and improper road behaviour.

For those transporting school children, such as school drivers, parents, and guardians, the NTSA underscores the importance of vehicle maintenance and proper roadworthiness.

"They should always ensure that passengers boarding their vehicles are seated and their seatbelts fastened," the statement urges, acknowledging the role of responsible transportation in safeguarding young lives.

In their pursuit of enhancing road safety awareness and positive road user behaviour, the NTSA is collaborating with various stakeholders in a comprehensive campaign known as #DereSmart.

This campaign employs a multi-channel approach, spanning national, vernacular, and community television and radio stations.

Its purpose is to instil a culture of following traffic rules among drivers.

Moreover, the NTSA is taking their road safety education efforts directly to bus termini across various counties, targeting drivers and other road users.

This holistic approach emphasizes the need for education and engagement at every level of road usage.

As school-going children make up a significant portion of daily road pedestrians, the NTSA emphasizes the importance of instilling road safety knowledge from a young age.

"It is paramount that they are reminded of the golden rule that guides all road users; look right, look left, look right again and then cross the road safely," the statement notes, highlighting a fundamental principle for pedestrians.