Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba on Tuesday stirred controversy and a wild debate on social media after she strolled into Parliament Buildings while donning a red-stained white suit.

Orwoba proceeded to the Chambers of the Senate catching many Senators by surprise and unsure of what to make of her “weird” act and they challenged her to explain her allegedly inappropriate act.

However, the UDA Senator stood her ground saying experiencing her menses could not stop her from carrying our he legislative mandate as expected.

Even her female colleagues in the Senate led by Senator Tabitha Mutinda were having none of it terming her action indecent while questioning whether she was really in her menstrual cycle.

“It disturbs me, as a woman, on what do we indicate for our younger generation that looks upon us on how we dress and conduct ourselves. What picture are we portraying?” posed Tabitha.

She also received bashing from Senators Ledama Ole Kina (Narok) backed by Enock Wambua (Kitui) and Stewart Madzayo (Kilifi), who urged her to handle the matter in a more dignified manner.

“If Senator Gloria was being honest, of which she is not in this case, and as a mature person, she would have gone to the bathroom and covered herself,” intimated Ole Kina.

Wambua added, “What Senator Gloria has done to this House today is disgrace and a lot of shame. This should not have happened and must not be allowed to ever happen whatever the reason, whatever the cause.”

The adamant Senator Orwoba accused her legislative counterparts of stigmatising her maintaining that she “accidentally” stained herself and saw no need to return home to change her white attire.

“We have a girl who killed herself because of the same thing I am going through. I now understand why, because it is the women who are making it a crime. Are we not supposed to have periods on valentine’s day?” posed Orwoba.

She went on, ““I am shocked that someone can stand here and say the House has been disgraced, because a woman has had her periods?”

Ruling her out of order after a heated debate, Speaker Amason Kingi directed the Nominated Senator to leave the chambers and go and change her attire before she could resume the sittings.

“There may be four or five other lady Senators going through that too but they are not showing,” noted Kingi.

It later emerged that she had intended to table a notice of motion seeking to push for a legislation to avail free sanitary towels to school girls in an effort to end period poverty.