The Registrar of Political Parties Anne Nderitu has written to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) advising the commission not to clear Kalonzo Musyoka to run for the presidency on the Wiper party ticket.


Sources at the IEBC say Kalonzo was yet to withdraw his Wiper party formally from the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition.

According to the agreement signed by all Azimio coalition affiliate parties, no party may withdraw from the coalition 6 months before a general election or 3 months after, a fact Kalonzo acknowledges.

“In order to go our separate ways, the options are obvious that we need to revisit the matter of the political the coalition under the Political Parties Amendment Act,” Kalonzo said.

Efforts to convince Kalonzo to get back into the Azimio coalition have intensified. Meanwhile, a legal battle is also in the offing as his legal team is preparing to take on the Azimio coalition in court, fighting for their exit.

Kalonzo announced he was running for the presidency on Wiper ticked after the Azimio coalition flag-bearer Raila Odinga picked NARC-Kenya leader Martha Karua as his running mate on Monday ahead of the August general elections.

After announcing his presidential bid and naming Andrew Ole Sunkuli as his running mate, Kalonzo said he wanted to take a week’s break to reflect and think.

“Soon after this I want to go mute for another one week to have played and to think because these are waiting matters,” Kalonzo said.

With the registrar’s letter to the IEBC, Kalonzo’s window of choice has narrowed down to only two choices: seeking a court order to exit the coalition party or be discharged by mutual consent by the coalition’s council.