A Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) employee, Janet Mwendwa, was on Friday apprehended by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) over allegations of conflict of interest and procurement fraud.

The arrest follows an investigation into a questionable tender worth Sh6,436,934.40 awarded to a company owned by Mwendwa’s daughter.

According to the EACC, Mwendwa is suspected of exploiting her position at KPA to benefit her daughter’s company.

It is alleged that she participated in the tender evaluation process that ultimately led to the award of the contract to her family business.

Following a thorough investigation, the Director of Public Prosecutions concurred with the EACC’s recommendations to prosecute Mwendwa on charges of conflict of interest, unlawful acquisition of public property, fraudulent practice in procurement, and uttering false documents.

Mwendwa was arraigned before the Mombasa Anti-Corruption Court on Friday morning to answer to the charges.