Equity Group Holdings played a pivotal role in facilitating a strong private sector presence during President Ruto's recent historic visit to the United States.

Their efforts aimed to mobilize resources and talent from both nations to solidify the burgeoning collaboration between Kenya and the US.

A key event was a gathering held at the US Senate Dirksen Building.

Here, Equity convened a roundtable discussion and an informal hearing for US Senators, House Members, leadership from US agencies, and private sector leaders from Kenya and East Africa.

The focus was on private sector opportunities on the African continent and the critical role it plays in the success of the US-Kenya relationship.

Dr. James Mwangi, Equity Group Holdings' MD and CEO, addressed the gathering, emphasizing the importance of uniting private and public sector forces to create effective policy that drives sustainable growth and development for both nations.

"In this historic chamber, in this historic building, men and women have come together throughout time in memoriam to progress and advance lives and livelihoods for the betterment of all peoples, everywhere," Mwangi stated.

"Today we bring the power and the resources of the private sector, together with the influence of the public sector to create policy with the implementers of the global economy so that we may exponentially add to the sustainable growth and development for both our peoples and for the future of our families and our families’ families in both Africa and America

Prominent figures like Senators Cory Booker, Ben Cardin, and Congresswomen Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick and Barbara Lee spoke at the event.

Senator Cardin noted, “A strong private sector is vital to sustained economic growth, job creation, and resilience."

Senator Booker echoed this sentiment, praising Mwangi's remarks on altering the global narrative about Africa, stating, “I agree with your statement that Africa is a continent of endless possibilities, vast resources, and is holding solutions to all of humanity's problems.”

They highlighted Kenya's growing role on the global stage and stressed the need for private sector involvement in fostering sustainable economic and social partnerships.

The panel discussion featured key figures from US government agencies and global private sector leaders, such as Dan Swift from Prosper Africa, Chidi Blyden from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and Jane Rhee from the US International Development Finance Corporation.

These leaders discussed the expanding public-private partnerships and highlighted the successes and future opportunities for US-Kenya engagements.

Dan Swift noted the role of Prosper Africa in connecting US buyers with African suppliers, while Jane Rhee emphasized the new opportunities for collaboration beyond US companies.

A significant moment was the announcement by Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick of US House Resolution 1254, which recognizes the importance of President Ruto's visit in strengthening US-Kenya relations

Emphasis was placed on framing future engagements through a private sector lens.

Equity Group's participation extended beyond the roundtable.

Mwangi was featured on a US Chamber of Commerce Business Forum panel focused on digital platforms for financial inclusion, alongside Mastercard CEO Michael Miebach and Microsoft President Brad Smith.

A significant announcement was made – Equity Group would be a founding member of the inaugural Mastercard Community Pass, MADE Alliance.

This alliance, partially funded by the African Development Bank and championed by US Vice President Kamala Harris, aims to support the development of small-scale African farmers into agribusinesses, utilizing digital platforms for wider reach.

Mwangi and the Equity delegation also participated in other significant events, including the White House ceremony welcoming President Ruto and the State Dinner held in his honour.

Prior to arriving in Washington, DC, they had participated in US-Kenya State Visit activities in Atlanta, Georgia.

These activities included a visit to Tyler Perry Studios, the signing of academic ties between Spelman University and The Open University of Kenya, and a visit to the US Centers for Disease Control where a new partnership to support Kenya's pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries was announced.

Equity Group's leadership in fostering US-Kenya collaboration extended beyond the State Visit.

Mwangi played a key role in bringing the private sector voice to the forefront during the September 2023 Africa Climate Summit in Nairobi.

Here, the Group spearheaded the creation of a Private Sector Declaration on Climate Action and developed a private sector-focused Africa Recovery and Resilience Plan (ARRP).

Following the State Visit, Mwangi continued his advocacy efforts, participating in African Development Bank meetings in Nairobi and presenting a vision for a private sector-led future for Africa at the inaugural meeting of KEPSA's Platinum members.

Through these comprehensive efforts, Equity Group Holdings positioned itself as a crucial bridge between the US and Kenyan private sectors, solidifying its commitment to a collaborative future for both nations.