Kenya Power has announced a mandatory update for all prepaid meters across its network, requiring customers to ensure their meters are upgraded by the end of August 2024 to maintain uninterrupted access to electricity.

This update is part of a global initiative targeting prepaid meters utilizing the Standard Transfer Specification (STS), aimed at enhancing the security and efficiency of token transfers.

Joseph Siror, Managing Director & CEO of Kenya Power, emphasized the importance of this update.

"A total of 7.4 million prepaid meters are targeted for this exercise. All prepaid meters that will not have been updated by the deadline date will stop accepting tokens," Siror stated.

He further assured customers that comprehensive measures have been put in place to facilitate and support the updating process.

To facilitate customer awareness and participation, Kenya Power has launched the 'Update Token Meter Yako' media campaign.

This campaign will disseminate essential information to prepaid customers through various channels, ensuring they are informed and prepared to update their meters promptly upon notification from Kenya Power.

Explaining the update process,  Siror detailed, "Customers will receive two codes from Kenya Power upon purchasing tokens, which they must input into their meters following SMS instructions before loading the new token. For customers who haven’t purchased tokens recently, Kenya Power will send the codes directly to prompt them to update their meters."

Notably, existing tokens already loaded into meters will remain unaffected by the update, but customers are advised to utilize any previously purchased tokens before initiating the update to avoid token invalidation.

In addition to the media campaign, Kenya Power plans to engage with stakeholders and consumer organizations to ensure widespread awareness and support for the initiative.

Rigorous monitoring mechanisms will be in place to promptly address any issues arising from the update process.

The mandatory meter update underscores Kenya Power's commitment to modernizing its infrastructure while ensuring reliable electricity supply to all customers.

As the deadline approaches, the company urges all prepaid meter users to proactively participate in the update exercise to avoid service disruptions.