For improved operational efficiency of the boda boda sector in Kenya, Watu has initiated a nationwide donation of essential office equipment to boda boda county offices.

This initiative is part of Watu's commitment to supporting the boda boda sector and boosting its economic contribution.

Watu's donation includes laptops, office tables, printers, customer service benches, and office chairs.

The equipment will significantly enhance the operational facilities of these offices, allowing them to serve their communities more effectively.

The distribution began in Lower Nyanza and Western Nyanza, and will extend to Coast, Nairobi, and Central Kenya throughout June.

At the Kisumu County boda boda office, where the donation was formally launched, Watu Kenya Country Manager Erick Massawe highlighted the initiative's goals.

"Our goal is to empower the boda boda offices with the tools they need for efficient management and improved service delivery. Many offices have been struggling due to a lack of proper facilities, and this equipment distribution is a step towards addressing those challenges," Massawe stated.

He also noted that the new equipment would enable the office to provide services such as safety training, organizing members into savings cooperatives, and enhancing safety standards for riders and passengers through a self-regulation framework.

Kisumu County Boda Boda Chairman Jacob Ogambo underscored the impact of this donation.

"With the new equipment, we are now better positioned to serve our members and the greater Kisumu community. We are grateful for Watu’s generous donation and for empowering us to self-organize," Ogambo expressed.

Watu says that it has structured the boda boda sector into various units across the country, comprising 17,000 stages and county offices.

These units play a crucial role in regulating the sector, providing a platform for member feedback, and addressing significant issues such as widespread boda boda theft and the involvement of boda bodas in criminal activities.

Boda boda riders are required to register with local stages, each governed by its own chairman and set of regulations.

These stages are pivotal for the orderly movement of riders within specific areas, for which they pay a nominal fee.

In addition to the equipment donation, Watu engaged with boda boda chairpersons from Busia, Bungoma, Vihiga, Nandi, Uasin Ngishu, Bomet, Kisii, Migori, Homabay, and Trans Nzoia during the event.

This engagement highlights Watu Credit's strong commitment to fostering collaboration and addressing the needs of the boda boda community at the grassroots level.

Watu is renowned for offering innovative financial solutions, enabling Kenyans to acquire motorbikes and other assets through a buy-now-pay-later model.

This approach has empowered many Kenyans, particularly those excluded from mainstream financial services, to own two- and three-wheeler motorbikes and other assets, including mobile phones.

This latest initiative by Watu is poised to significantly enhance the operational efficiency of boda boda offices across Kenya, thereby contributing to the overall betterment of the sector and the communities it serves.