OPPO, a global leader in smartphone technology, has unveiled a bold commitment to making AI phones accessible to everyone.

This move signifies a major shift in the mobile landscape, paving the way for a more intelligent and user-friendly mobile experience.

Breaking Down Barriers: AI for All

Recognizing the transformative potential of AI, OPPO aims to dismantle the barriers that have previously limited access to this technology.

Traditionally, advanced AI features have been reserved for flagship phones, leaving a large portion of users without the opportunity to experience their benefits.

 The company’s President of Overseas MKT, Sales and Service, Billy Zhang, stated, “With our relentless efforts and commitment, OPPO aims to make AI phones accessible to everyone."

"For the first time in the industry, OPPO is bringing generative AI to all product lines. By the end of this year, we expect to bring generative AI features to about 50 million users," Zhang added.

This democratization of AI aligns perfectly with the growing demand for smarter phones.

According to IDC's latest research report, "Time to Democratise the Impact of AI Tech," the sub-US$1000 AI phone segment is poised for explosive growth, with shipments expected to surge by 250 per cent in 2024, reaching a staggering 35 million units.

This trend underscores the increasing desire for AI-powered experiences that enhance entertainment, mobile productivity, and more.

Fueling Innovation: A Collaborative Approach

OPPO's dedication to AI accessibility extends beyond internal development.

The company is fostering a collaborative environment by partnering with industry leaders like Google, MediaTek, and Microsoft.

This collaborative approach ensures that OPPO's AI phones leverage cutting-edge advancements across the tech landscape.

For example, the upcoming Reno12 series and next-generation Find X flagship will feature Google's Gemini family LLMs.

This integration will empower OPPO users with innovative AI features like the AI Toolbox, encompassing functionalities such as AI Writer and AI Recording Summary.

Furthermore, OPPO's partnership with MediaTek focuses on optimizing chips to enhance storage and computational efficiency on future flagship models.

Additionally, Microsoft's capabilities will be integrated into next-generation OPPO phones, offering users a more accurate, natural, and efficient voice and text conversion experience, alongside improved desktop AI and phone connectivity.

Revolutionizing the Mobile Experience

OPPO's AI phones are packed with innovative features that empower users in various ways.

On the productivity front, the combination of LLMs and technologies like fast transcription allow users to process information more efficiently, enjoy real-time translation, and experience seamless collaboration between desktop AI and phones.

Creatively, AI has revolutionized photo editing and personalized content creation.

OPPO's AI Eraser, used an average of 15 times daily, enables users to effortlessly remove unwanted objects and generate missing content.

Multimodal technology further empowers users by facilitating the creation of visually and textually engaging content for social media.

The Dawn of a New Era

The transition from smartphones to AI phones represents a long-term evolution that will fundamentally transform the mobile experience.

Nicole Zhang, General Manager of AI Product at OPPO, emphasized the transformative journey ahead.

"We believe that the intelligent OS will be embedded with AI Agents and support multimodal interaction, meanwhile the third-party services will be provided in a more flexible way," Nicole stated.

"This will result in a full-stack transformation and ecosystem restructuring of AI phones."

With its unwavering commitment to accessibility and a collaborative approach to innovation, OPPO is spearheading the arrival of the AI phone era.

This new era promises to usher in a smarter, more convenient, and empowering mobile experience for users worldwide.