Scores of residents that can be estimated to 5000, have been left homeless after a demolition exercise affected their homes in Njiru area, Nairobi.

The demolitions are being carried out by the government to pave way for development projects.

Huge losses have been recorded in property destruction, as the residents say they were not issued with prior eviction notices.

The bulldozers descended on the homes as the surprised homeowners watched helplessly with no time to rescue anything from their houses.

This comes at a time when Covid-19 pandemic is still menacing in the country.

The Makadara MP George Aladwa has condemned the demolitions and called them Inhumane. He called out to the government to ensure the rights of its citizens are protected.

He asked President Uhuru Kenyatta to stop the evictions and demolitions during the pandemic, as the country is still dealing with the trail of economic hardships occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“While I welcome all the intended development projects in our sub-county from both the county and national government, it is hard to understand the motivation behind evicting people from their homes at a time when the President has announced cessation of movement in and out of Nairobi,” Aladwa said.

Aladwa called upon leaders in Nairobi to unite against the inhumane, brutal and untimely acts that clearly violate the rights of those they represent.