Joseph Kairu Wambui, better known as Khalif Kairo, a second-hand car dealer and owner of Kai and Karo Limited, once again found himself facing serious fraud charges at Milimani Law Courts on Wednesday.
The charge accuses him of defrauding Dan Odhiambo Odundo of a sum totalling Sh3,045,000.
The allegations are centred on claims that Kairo, operating through his company, falsely represented his ability to import a Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 line from Japan.
The charge sheet details that between October 5 and October 7, 2024, at Westlands Business Park in Nairobi County, Kairo misled Odundo into believing that he could secure the vehicle, prompting the complainant to make the payment.
The charge against Kairo reads:
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“On the diverse between date 5th day of October 2024 and 7th day of October 2024 at Westlands Business Park in Westlands Sub-County, Nairobi County, by means of fraudulent tricks you obtained the sum of Sh3,045,000 (Three million and forty-five thousand shillings only) from DAN ODHIAMBO ODUNDO by falsely pretending that you are in a position to import him a motor vehicle make Volkswagen Tiguan 1.4 line from Japan through your company known as KAI AND KARO LIMITED a fact you knew to be false.”
Kairo, who was arrested on Tuesday denied the charges when he appeared in court.
Despite his previous run-ins with the law, Kairo pleaded not guilty to the charge of cheating under Section 315 of the Penal Code.
In his defence, Kairo rejected the claim that he had misrepresented his ability to import the vehicle, asserting that Odundo had not been deceived into parting with the money.
Several witnesses, including Simon Otieno Odhiambo, Albert Hesbon Odundo, and police officer Wako Jarso, are expected to testify during the case.
Kairo remains in custody as the court deliberates on his bond terms.