In a resounding endorsement, a cohort of governors, deputy governors, county women representatives, and top government officials have unanimously declared Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru as a formidable candidate for a national leadership position in the upcoming general elections.

The declaration came during the G7 Strategy activation in Kirinyaga County on Saturday, where leaders lauded Waiguru's transformative leadership and outstanding track record in her county.

They cited her progressive policies, successful initiatives, and dedication to public service as key factors in their endorsement.

Gladys Wanga, Governor of Homa Bay, expressed her confidence in Waiguru's capacity for higher office.

“She is a strong woman fit for any position,” said Wanga, commending Waiguru’s selfless service.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti shared similar views, praising Kirinyaga’s development under Waiguru's leadership, specifically noting the Kerugoya Hospital project.

“Governor Anne Waiguru is a worker... the standards in that hospital are only equitable to those in some of the biggest hospitals in this country,” Ndeti remarked.

She also highlighted Waiguru’s pioneering role as Kenya’s first female governor, stating, "Waiguru broke the glass ceiling as the first woman governor in Kenya."

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani echoed these sentiments, describing Waiguru as an excellent mentor and a model for women in leadership.

“We are saying that Governor Anne Waiguru has come of age for national politics,” Achani said, further acknowledging Waiguru's ability to overcome the challenges often faced by women in leadership roles.

The Cabinet Secretary for National Defence, Tunya, added that Waiguru’s achievements in Kirinyaga could only have been accomplished by a woman and emphasised the importance of the G7 strategy for promoting female leaders.

Other women leaders, including Nyandarua County Women Representative Faith Gitau, voiced their support, stating, “Come 2032, and the President shall be a woman and Waiguru will be there.”

The G7 patron, Ida Odinga, was equally impressed by Waiguru’s leadership. She reaffirmed G7’s commitment to helping women reach political office, with the long-term aim of exceeding the two-thirds gender threshold.

The deputy chair of COG, Ahmed Abdullahi, and Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata also pledged to back Waiguru’s initiatives through strategic partnerships.

Waiguru expressed her gratitude for the recognition and emphasised the underrepresentation of women in leadership roles.

She pointed out that the G7 movement is designed to guide efforts in realising the full potential of devolution while amplifying women’s voices in governance.

“We must continue to create enabling spaces and hold the hands of aspiring women to access positions and thrive in them,” Waiguru said.

The event closed with Waiguru leading her colleagues on a field visit to showcase some of her successful projects across Kirinyaga County.