In an unexpected turn of events, disgruntled Standard Group Limited (SG) staff downed tools on Wednesday, throwing the media house's operations into disarray.

Sources close to the company, who wished to remain anonymous, informed Swala Nyeti that the staff assembled outside the office premises in protest of delayed salaries.

The abrupt cessation of work has led to TV stations running on auto programming while radio stations play continuous music, disrupting regular broadcasts.

The core issue driving this industrial action is unpaid salaries, with some employees reporting arrears stretching back as far as eight months.

The frustrated workers are seeking a direct address from the group's CEO, Joe Munene, regarding the timeline for their overdue payments.

A key point of contention is the performance of the Sharleen Kavulani-led transition committee, which was tasked with resolving the debt issues plaguing Standard Media Group.

Employees allege that the committee has failed to effectively address these problems, culminating in the current impasse.

As a result of this strike, readers of the Standard newspaper may experience delays in receiving their copies until the situation is resolved.

This information was provided by an anonymous source closely associated with Standard Media Group, who shared the details with Swala Nyeti.