The Kericho High Court has thrown a spanner in the works for John Chebochok, who was recently elected director of the Toror Tea Factory after suspending his swearing-in ceremony. 

This dramatic turn of events stems from a petition filed by five entities – Usikimye CBO, Wangu Kanja Foundation (K) Registered Trustee, Oxfam, The African Gender and Media Initiative Trustees, and Flonbe Initiative.

The petitioners raise serious concerns about the potential impact of Chebochok's appointment on the financial health and reputation of the factory.

In their petition, they argue that Chebochok's appointment poses a real and imminent threat to the financial stability and reputation of Toror Tea Factory.

They further claim that stakeholders and purchasers of tea have already reacted negatively to Chebochok's election, suspending business with the factory, leading to a significant financial downturn.

The petitioners go a step further, alleging that Chebochok may not meet the standards expected of public officials as outlined in Chapter 6 of the Kenyan Constitution.

They specifically point to concerns regarding integrity, leadership accountability, and adherence to ethical standards.

“1st Respondent does not meet the provisions of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya, which emphasizes the responsibilities and ethics required of public officers, including integrity, leadership accountability, and adherence to ethical standards,” the petitioners asserted.

The seriousness of the situation is underscored by the intervention of the Kenya Tea Development Agency Group Company Secretary.

They have reportedly "supported the notice of motion," arguing that Chebochok's appointment is not just hurting Toror Tea Factory but also impacting the entire KTDA brand and its network of smallholder tea factories.

This, they claim, puts the livelihoods of over a million tea farmers who supply KTDA factories at risk.

The court has scheduled a hearing for August 15th, 2024, to deliver a ruling on the petition.

“That in the meantime the AGM scheduled for 18th of this month to swear in John Chebokoch into office as a director is suspended. Matter is scheduled for ruling on 15th of next month,” the court order read.

Until then, John Chebochok's swearing-in remains on hold, leaving the leadership of Toror Tea Factory in limbo and the future of the factory's financial health uncertain.