Six million children across 16 counties are set to benefit from the 12th round of the National School-Based Deworming Campaign, which will be launched on Thursday.

The Ministry of Health, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Evidence Action, aims to tackle parasitic worm infections among school-aged children in high-risk areas.

The targeted counties include Kirinyaga, Homa Bay, Kisii, Kisumu, Migori, Nyamira, Siaya, Bomet, Kericho, Nandi, Narok, Trans-Nzoia, Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega, and Vihiga.

These regions have been identified due to their high incidence of parasitic worm infections, which can significantly impact children's health and learning abilities.

The campaign's primary objective is to improve children's health and enhance their academic performance by effectively addressing these parasitic infections.

By focusing on these health issues, the initiative seeks to create a conducive learning environment, enabling children to reach their full potential.

The Ministry of Health has emphasised the importance of this campaign in fostering a healthier future for the nation's children.

According to the MoH, Parasitic worm infections can cause malnutrition and impair cognitive development, and this initiative aims to mitigate these effects to ensure children can thrive both physically and academically.

In a collaborative effort, the Ministry of Education and Evidence Action will provide crucial support to the campaign, ensuring its smooth implementation and success.

This joint approach highlights the commitment to holistic child welfare, integrating health and education to promote overall well-being.

As the launch date approaches, preparations are in full swing to mobilise resources and personnel for the effective execution of the campaign.

The involved parties are optimistic that this round of deworming will build on the successes of previous campaigns, contributing to a healthier and more educated young generation.

The National School-Based Deworming Campaign stands to improve public health and education, reflecting a comprehensive strategy to address the intertwined challenges faced by children in high-risk areas.