Three suspects have been apprehended in Nairobi's upmarket Runda estate as part of an ongoing operation targeting gold scammers, a case entwined with Trans Nzoia Senator Allan Chesang, officials disclosed on Sunday.

The three apprehended individuals, identified as Fauzia Wanjiru alias Issa, Shallo Fatma alias Tett, and Jackson Ochieng, were taken into custody at Momesa Vale house number 199 in Runda during a meticulously planned operation carried out Saturday afternoon.

The operation was executed based on intelligence gathered by diligent detectives who received information that the gold scam was orchestrated with the alleged involvement of Chesang.

The scammers had set their sights on a South African national, with intentions of defrauding an exorbitant sum of money.

The intended victim had been directed to Kilimani, from where he was transported to the Runda estate, where the fraudulent transaction was meant to take place.

Unbeknownst to the scammers, the astute detectives had tactically positioned themselves in proximity to Momesa Vale, and when the moment was ripe, they swiftly moved in and made the arrests.

The search of the premises yielded a plethora of incriminating evidence, including counterfeit US dollars, a gold induction melting machine, an export permit for minerals, and samples of minerals bearing the names "TENG GERM LTD" and Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) stickers, among other crucial exhibits.

Currently, the arrested suspects are being held at the Kilimani police station, pending their arraignment before the court of law.

This operation underscores the determination of the Kenyan authorities to combat the scourge of gold scamming and related fraudulent activities, particularly those involving individuals in positions of power and influence.

The investigation into this case will continue, and further details will be unveiled as the case progresses.