Principal Secretary in the State Department for Crop Development, Kello Harsama, has joined Investments, Trade, and Industry CS Moses Kuria in his scathing criticism of the media.

In response to a report published by the Nation, which highlighted farmers rejecting subsidized fertilizer provided by the state, Harsama accused the media house of propagating propaganda.

Harsama expressed his dissatisfaction with the media's coverage, stating that his ministry would halt all advertising with the Nation Media Group until he is convinced that the "war is over."

He further emphasized that the media house must choose between engaging in politics or conducting business.

These comments from Harsama follow a series of attacks on the Nation Media Group by CS Kuria. The verbal onslaught began on Sunday during a church gathering when Kuria threatened to terminate the employment of any government official who advertises with the media house.

His accusations stemmed from an expose aired on NTV, a station under the Nation Media Group, which implicated Cabinet Secretaries in the drop in edible oil prices, allegedly resulting in a loss of approximately Sh5.6 billion to the taxpayer.

CS Kuria's tirade against the media has not gone unnoticed, with various leaders denouncing his unwarranted assaults on the press.

Media owners and journalist unions have firmly rebuked Kuria's remarks, urging President William Ruto to take appropriate action.

In addition to the backlash from industry professionals, a wave of criticism has emerged from social media users and the opposition, demanding Kuria's resignation from the Cabinet.

The situation raises concerns about the freedom of the press and the relationship between the government and the media.

As the tension escalates, the future of advertising and cooperation between the state and media outlets hangs in the balance, leaving many to question the implications for impartial reporting and journalistic integrity.

The media landscape eagerly awaits the response of  Ruto and his government to address the growing controversy surrounding CS Kuria's attacks on the NMG and the wider implications for the media industry.