Kenya and her neighbour Tanzania will strengthen bilateral ties between them and enhance trade by removing 14 trade restrictions.

President William Ruto pledged to build on the foundations started by his predecessor, former president Uhuru Kenyatta.

This is regarding improving the ties between the two neighbouring countries Kenya and Tanzania.

"I'm here to confirm that the good foundation laid when you took over and worked with my predecessor, I will build on that foundation to take our countries to the next level," Ruto said.

Ruto said shortly after holding bilateral talks with his Tanzanian counterpart Samia Suluhu at the country’s State House.

Ruto and Suluhu's talks revolved around enhancing the ties between the two countries in several ways, including the removal of trade restrictions for the benefit of the two countries.

The Kenyan Head of State said that once his cabinet is sworn in, their first order of business will be to figure out how the remaining 14 trade restrictions between Kenya and Tanzania can be lifted.

Ruto said the reduction of trade barriers between Kenya and Tanzania has given trade a boost while dismissing an argument that Kenya would gain more from the removal of the trade barriers.

"When you and Uhuru worked on barriers to trade, most people thought it would benefit Kenya, but it has benefited Tanzania more," Ruto said.

"It is clear increase in trade benefits everybody, that increase in trade is where we want to go, we want to double that trade.”

According to Ruto, exports from Tanzania have increased from Sh27 billion to sh 50 billion, while exports from Kenya have increased from Sh31 billion to Sh45 billion since some of the restrictions were lifted.

The two presidents also discussed ways to promote tourism between Kenya and Tanzania.

On communication, Ruto said their talks with Suluhu also encompassed communication between Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and South Sudan under the East Africa One Area Network.

He affirmed Tanzania has already ratified this, pending operationalization.

The two East African leaders also spoke about the enhancement of cooperation between the two counties’ security agencies to fight transboundary criminal activities.