Azimio Executive Director Raphael Tuju has admitted to meeting IEBC chairperson Wafula Chebukati, CEO Marjan Marjan and commissioner Boya Molu on August 15.
However, Tuju has indicated that the said meeting at Bomas of Kenya happened at 4am and not 3am as commissioner Abdi Guliye alleged in his affidavit filed at the Supreme Court.
“I was at the Bomas of Kenya several times and the meeting they claimed took place at 3am actually took place at 4am. I tried to get audience with Chebukati after it was apparent Prof. Guliye couldn’t address the issues that I had brought up with him,” Tuju said on Sunday.
The former Jubilee Secretary General revealed that the crucial meeting was attended by 10 people, including all IEBC commissioners, and was meant to address pertinent issues arising and termed Chebukati's and Guliye's claims to the contrary as false.
"So there were ten of us in that room. For him to claim that I made some offers to him in front of those ten is a taradiddle. It’s a taradiddle; petty lie!,” Tuju riled.
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He says he met Chebukati to discuss reports he had gotten on ongoing swapping of Forms 34A and that he had established that Guliye was unable to address the issues he had raised.
“The issue had brought up with him (Guliye) was that I had received intelligence from one of the IEBC officials, who complained that some form 34As were being brought down and they were being replaced by other form 34As," Tuju went on.
Tuju claims an unnamed IEBC official had confided in him that forms were being switched on the portal and had raised it with CEO Marjan but was allegedly instead met with a threat.

He says he has forwarded the report to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) who had dispatched its detectives to question the official to verify the said allegations.
“I received intelligence from one of the IEBC officials who was complaining that some of the forms 34A were being brought down and were being replaced by other forms 34A. The official was threatened by Mr. Marjan when he brought it up with him,” said Tuju.

He, however, challenged Chebukati to also reveal details of the meeting he held with UDA Secretary General Veronica Maina and Josephat Nanok, William Ruto's head of presidential campaigns immediately after their meeting on August 15.
“As we were meeting the IEBC official that morning, the IEBC official Guliye left the meeting for a washroom with a phone. He spent a long time there and as we were leaving after the meeting, we found Veronica and Nanok at the door step," said Tuju.
Tuju further challenged the embattled IEBC boss to also divulge the nature of a meeting Chebukati summoned him to at a secret location in Karen, Nairobi.

“I want Chebukati to explain to me and to Kenyans what the discussion was about when he came to a secret location to meet me in Karen,” he added.
He threw the same challenge to commissioners Prof Guliye and Molu saying they had come to meet him at his Karen house ahead of the announcement of the presidential results.
“I want Prof. Guliye and Molu to explain what they came to do in my house. I will make the CCTV cameras at my house available.”
In his affidavit in response to the petition filed by Azimio presidential candidate Raila Odinga at the Supreme Court, Prof Guliye claimed Tuju and Busia Senator Amos Wako had led a push on the commission to declare Raila president of push for a runoff during the meeting.