The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) is on the verge of concluding the investigations into the mysterious death of Ebbie Noelle Samuel who died at St Anuarite Gatanga Girl’s School three years ago.

Ebbie, a form one student at the time at the school, which was formerly known as Gatanga CMM Secondary, was found dead in her dormitory on the night of March 8, 2019.

The school’s administration said that Ebby’s death was caused by an accident after she fell from her bed the night before her classmates discovered her lifeless body.

The DCI dispatched a team of seasoned detectives to collect statements from witnesses, including the deceased’s friend and classmates, on January 10, 2022.

However, they later realised the school did not provide a conducive environment for the witnesses and opted to take the statements when the schools are closed, during the ongoing holidays.

In a twist of events, the statements the DCI have recorded so far contradict the narrative the school administration had fronted.

The detectives have since established on a fateful night Ebbie was assaulted severally by a senior member of the school’s administration reasons; she allegedly had a hairstyle that was not allowed by the school regulations.

According to the fresh details that have emerged, Ebbie was assaulted during the evening preps, just a few minutes before the bell rang for bedtime at 9 pm.

Ebbie retired to bed that night with several injuries she sustained from the assault.

Unfortunately, that was the last time the deceased was seen alive because when her friends went to wake her up the following morning, she did not respond to their calls; she was already dead.

A report by given by the government pathologist after conducting an autopsy confirmed Eddy died as a result of a blunt force trauma, due to head injury.

The detectives are also pursuing another angle to the case of a conspiracy by the school’s administration, which gave contradictory statements to evade justice.

The detectives have discovered that the school administration has also been intimidating students who are willing to recount what transpired on that fateful night.

It is for that reason that the detectives opted to visit the children in their homes, which are their comfort zones where they have really opened up on what happened exactly on that night.

The DCI says the investigations are currently at an advanced stage and it is only a matter of time before the perpetrators of the heinous murder of Ebby are brought to book.

At the same time, the DCI has assured all students and witnesses in the matter, who are willing to volunteer information that their identities will remain concealed.

On March 9, 2022, the family and friends of Ebby held a peaceful protest along Koinange street over her death.

Another group of activists also prepared to stage a walk on Thursday from Jevanjee Gardens to the Office of the President to call for justice.

The Central Police Station OCPD David Mburukwa has confirmed that they are aware of the planned walk and said the police would provide security because the event is expected to be peaceful.

Yes, we are aware of the planned walk and we shall provide security since they already informed us of their plans,” Mburukwa said.