Research and consulting firm Infotrak has distanced itself from a list of purported management staff that has been circulating on social media.

Infotrak CEO Angela Ambitho dismissed the fake list of staff and said the persons listed in the piece were not their staff and are not in any way affiliated to Infotrak as a brand.

“The below mentioned are not Infotrak Staff or in any way affiliated to Infotrak as a brand,” Ambitho said.

Infotrak further advised members of the public to find the full list of their management staff in their website.

Ambitho also dismissed another statement that was purportedly issued by one of Infotrak’s leadership and termed it fake.

“We are not in any way responsible for this. Fake post,” Ambitho said.

The fake information has been circulating across social media and causing spark among netizens who started arguing over the information presented on the fake information.

Unscrupulous individuals always take advantage of the political heat in the country and peddle fake information to cause further division or gauge the direction of the political wind.

Members of the public have always been cautioned to watch out for such especially during the electioneering period.

They are also discouraged from sharing any pieces of information before they verify their authenticity or discern he reason for their circlation.