Wangui Ngirici has said she is ready to face her opponents at the nominations for the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket.

Ngirici was speaking to members of the public after the defection of Governor Ann Waiguru who ditched the Jubilee Party for UDA on Tuesday morning.

Ngirici reminded the people of Kirinyaga how she stood firm in opposing the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) because it had some sections that were not beneficial to the people of Mount Kenya while her opponents (Waiguru) rooted for the BBI.“

“…and there are those people who went to sing the reggae song saying reggae won’t stop and you know that some of them this morning have said they are coming to join our camp because they claim they heed to what ‘Wanjiku’ is saying. I am happy that they have heard your voice,” said Ngirici.


Ngirici welcomed the defector to the Hustler Nation and said they are also welcome to hear the plight of the common mwananchi.

However, she cautioned the ‘late comers’ to come into the party and stay calm and wait for the party nominations.

“Today we welcome those who have joined us in the Hustler Nation and we are also inviting them to listen to ‘Wanjiku’s plight. And since they have come a little late, as the candidate for the gubernatorial seat in that party, I am asking them to come and remain calm, we will go for the nominations and I am ready to face them because I am not afraid,” she asserted.

Ngirici said that it is the people of Kirinyaga who will determine who becomes their governor and she pledged her support for her opponent if they won and in the same breath, she asked the new members to support her if she trounces them at the nominations.

“If the people of Kirinyaga will decide that you are going to be the next governor well and good I will sit back and support you but if we go to the nominations and floor you fair and square, you should also accept defeat,” Ngirici said.


Ngirici reiterated that she first and foremost advocates for the interest of the people of Kirinyaga County who will determine the outcomes of both the nominations and last elections.

Ngirici also said that even before they get to the nominations and elections, every interest that the aspirants should take care of must be about the people of Kirinyaga and for the people of Kirinyaga.