Police shot a criminal at Capital Hill estate in Ruai near Summer City on Tuesday Morning before an irate mob descended on him and killed him on the spot.

The thug and his two accomplices had been waylaying and robbing unsuspecting criminals before the incident.

The gun-totting trio had accosted two ladies identifies as Anne Wanjiru and Lilian Mueni on Tuesday morning when an officer from the Administration Police Service Sgt. Samuel Mutuku who was on his way to work realized they were up to no good.

The officer quickly discharged his weapon and ordered the thugs to surrender lest he opened fire.

Unfortunately, the thugs did not comply with his request but launched an attack against Mutuku instead.

Mutuku was swift and returned the fire, seriously injuring one thug in the shootout. Upon realizing that they were not a match, the other two thugs took off, leaving their accomplice lying on the ground.

The officer did not give up but engaged the two thugs in a chase. They ran for a short distance before jumping on a getaway motorbike that was waiting.

In the turn of events, the motorbike failed to start and after several unsuccessful attempts; the thugs abandoned the motorbike and escaped on foot.

Meanwhile, back at the shooting scene, irate members of the public had gathered around the injured criminal. They descended on him with kicks, blows and all manner of items that could find that could cause him great harm.

The mob could not hear the officer’s plea to have the criminal face justice but they continued to mete instant justice on the thug and killed him on the spot.

Police impounded the getaway motorbike and recovered a mobile phone that was snatched from one of the trio’s victims. Police also recovered a long sword and a machete.

Police are yet to make any arrests but they are digging more details into the details of the suspects.