Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has removed Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi as ODM chairperson in Kilifi County.

Kingi has been replaced by Ganze MP Teddy Mwambire who is acting in that capacity.

According to ODM leader Raila Odinga, Kingi betrayed him and his ODM party.

Raila Odinga and Amason Kingi. PHOTO/COURTESY

In the recent past, Kingi has been vocal in supporting the formation of a coalition by five Coastal-based parties.

Kingi has been on record saying he will back the coalition named Coast Integrated Development Initiative instead of ODM, which he accuses of doing little in developing the region.

Raila and Kingi. PHOTO/COURTESY

The Kilifi Governor is however yet to garner followers to join the new coastal outfit. 

Sources say the Governor's allies had already registered a new political party on July 30, 2021, and called it the Pamoja Alliance.

This seems to be the bone of contention between Kingi and Raila who has intimated that he has nothing personal against Kingi and welcomed him to leave the ODM party if he pleased.

Teddy Mwambire. PHOTO/COURTESY

“I have no personal problem with Kingi…if he wants to leave, he is free to do so,” said Raila.

ODM officials from Kilifi County who also vowed to work with Deputy ODM Party leader Ali Hassan Joho to rejuvenate ODM in the region have criticized Kingi.