A nominated female member of the Migori County Assembly became the latest casualty of chaos that rocked the assembly in divisions over the impending impeachment of governor Okoth Obado.

Mary Ogodo's arm was broken after Migori MCAs descended into fisticuffs on the floor of the county assembly on Wednesday.

The fight erupted resulting in a melee after two rival factions differed over the leadership of the divided assembly.

Trouble started when MCAs in Obado’s camp opposed to the reinstatement of Deputy Speaker, North Kanyamkago MCA George Omamba, walked into the assembly and interupted the county assembly proceedings.

Omamba, who was impeached in May last year and was only reinstated by the Migori High Court on Tuesday, was accused by the MCAs of having ulterior motives and pushing for the governor's impeachment.

The Obado faction claimed that the Deputy Speaker was failing in the absence of the Speaker Boaz Okoth, who is unwell, and further accused him of plotting to take the reigns of the assembly through the corridors of justice.

The MCA who was hurt in the scuffle was rushed to St. Joseph Ombo Mission Hospital where she was admitted and another nominated MCA intimated that her condition was stable.

Uglier battles and heated exchanges are expected in the Migori assembly ahead of the looming impeachment motion against governor Obado, which is beng backed by his party, the Orange Democratic Party (ODM) but opposed by the county boss and his supporters.