The National Transport Safety Authority has announced its migration to a new data enterprise centre.

According to the authority, the new data centre will help improve efficiency and reliability.

“As part of our digital transformation strategy and service reform agenda, aimed at delivering high-quality services and customer service excellence, the Authority is currently making a transition to a new enterprise data centre,” NTSA said.

“The new data centre will aid system availability, better speeds, efficiency and reliability.”

NTSA noted that during the transition, disruption of services on their platform will be experienced and expressed its commitment to complete the process faster.

“We acknowledge the transition has occasioned slight disruptions to our clients and we are working round the clock to complete the process,” NTSA said. 

According to NTSA, they are geared towards ensuring clients enjoy same-day service delivery on their platform once the migration is successfully complete.

“Our goal is to ensure our clients enjoy same day service delivery in registration, transfer of motor vehicle ownership among other services upon completion of the migration process,” the authority said.

NTSA also said the data centre will facilitate real-time road safety monitoring and reporting to enable data-driven road transport and safety management in implementing their mandate.

In June 2021, NTSA deployed the revamped Transport Integrated Management System (TIMS) in response to client service demands, security and technological advancements.

However, the clients have often complained of poor services experienced in TIMS, caused by delays in various services sought.