In life’s darkest corners, there are moments when the world seems unbearable, and every step forward feels like a battle against an unrelenting storm.

Recently, I've been wrestling with such personal wars, facing a series of overwhelming challenges that have pushed me to the brink.

Life has been thick with trouble. I chose to retreat from social interactions, believing that solitude would lead me to a deeper understanding of myself.

Instead, it only deepened my sense of sorrow and loneliness. The path to self-discovery became a mire of despair, and I found myself contemplating the unthinkable—suicide seemed like a way to escape the relentless pressures of life and work that seemed to crush me from all sides.

Throughout this tumultuous journey, there was only one person who truly saw me: Gacheri. I met Gacheri in a travel club about a year ago, and our energies matched from day one. We have shared both incredible memories and challenging moments, navigating through disagreements and growth.

Gacheri has been my rock, enduring the brunt of my darkest thoughts and emotions. Gacheri, not a relative but a steadfast friend, has witnessed my tears and felt the weight of my despair.

Despite my attempts to push Gacheri away, wanting to drown in my sorrow alone, Gacheri has stayed by my side. Gacheri has pulled me back from the edge more times than I can count.

Even when my own motivation vanished and my favourite mantra, "Wake up, dress up, show up, win," felt hollow, Gacheri remained steadfast. Gacheri's belief in me was stronger than my own belief in myself.

Gacheri encouraged me to seek counselling, though I struggled with it and felt it didn’t help me. Yet, Gacheri’s unwavering support never faltered.

There were nights when, despite the comforting echo of my daughter’s voice in my mind, I was still consumed by a deep sense of hopelessness.

Yet, Gacheri’s faith in me has been a guiding light through the darkness. They have shown me that even when the path seems impassable, there is still a way forward.

Now, as I forge a new path towards regaining myself, I realize how crucial Gacheri’s support has been.

To anyone out there who is fighting their own personal wars, I send you a message of hope and grace. Even in your darkest moments, do not give up. The journey may be tough, but it is not without purpose.

To Gacheri, I owe more than words can express. Thank you for your unwavering support, for believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself, and for being the light that guided me through my darkest hours.

Thank you for the love. I am forever indebted to you. In silence and the stars!