Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has been busy after he was impeached by Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) in a decision approved by the Senate last week.  

Sonko shared videos in which he is seen visiting a number of mothers in maternity wards who are carrying their freshly delivered babies in bed and delivering to them a load of gifts.

But what is disturbing is that Sonko was flanked by members of his Sonko Rescue Team to the maternity wards of various city hospitals and they all removed their masks in their endeavor.

The ousted governor is captured conversing with the new mothers at close range with his mask pulled down his chin in violation of Covid-19 measures released by the Ministry of Health.

Ironically, Sonko and more than ten youth are seen sanitizing at the hospital reception with no social distance and masks while being attended to by hospital staff who also don’t have their masks on.

His phylanthropy has been hailed by many but concerns are being raised about making donations without any regard for the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic, with new faster spreading strains being reported in South Africa and the United Kingdom. 

The show by Sonko follows the script of Kenyan political leaders who brazenly violate Covid-19 protocols issued by MOH while the general public is arrested and prosecuted if they do the same. 

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe on Sunday announced 349 new Covid-19 cases had been confirmed raising Kenya’s caseload to 94,500 and six more deaths raising the country's death toll to 1,639.