The national government can only afford to disburse Sh380 billion in shareable revenue to counties this financial year, which is Sh20 billion less than what had been agreed upon during a mediation process.

This is the insistence of National Treasury CS John Mbadi, who told irate bosses that the President William Ruto government cannot afford to pay Sh400 billion being demanded by the 47 county bosses.

The CS made the remarks in Naivasha, Nakuru County, during the quarterly high – level consultative meeting between National Treasury officials and the Council of Governors’s Committee on Health.

Mbadi also took the chance to lambast Controller of Budget Dr. Margaret Nyakang'o accusing her officials of hindering smooth operations in the devolved units through what he termed as rent-seeking.

She also accused Nyakang’o of introducing unnecessary accounting constrictions which he blamed for delayed disbursement of funds from the national to the county governments

“I wish the controller of budget was here, I have a problem with her office. I don’t mince my words. I say them as they are. Once we transfer money to counties, let that money reach the counties, there should be no bottlenecks. There is no reason governors that your officers are always in Nairobi to clear with your office CoB…that is rent seeking and it should stop,” Mbadi intimated.

He added: I have always wanted a forum where I can tell her publicly, she must reign in on her officers and that does not mean I am attacking her, I am criticizing her. She is also open to criticize me.”

However, governors led by Nandi’s Stephen Sang criticized the government for intending to disburse less funds to counties, especially after the devolved units stayed for three months minus the allocations.

They are insisting National Treasury must release the Sh400 billion in full, considering the counties are also making preparations for the Social Health Insurance rollout as health is a devolved function.

“We will not accept anything less than Sh400 billion, and yet you are adding us more roles,” lamented Governor Sang.

Baringo Governor Benjamin Cheboi warned: “If there is no money, I’d rather return the county to the National Government!”