A gathering of e-mobility experts in the Kenyan capital this week has highlighted the continent's growing momentum towards a sustainable transportation future.

The Africa E-Mobility Week 2024, held in Nairobi, brought together representatives from governments, international organizations, and the private sector to discuss strategies for accelerating the adoption of electric vehicles in Africa.

Key figures at the event emphasized the potential of e-mobility to address pressing environmental and economic challenges.

Alexander Koerner, manager of the Sustainable Mobility Unit at the UN Environment Program (UNEP), urged African nations to harness their abundant renewable energy resources to power electric transportation systems.

“Africa can leverage on its abundant renewable energy sources, such as solar and geothermal power, to roll out electrification of its public transportation systems,” Koerner stated.

The UNEP is actively supporting African governments in developing policies and regulations that promote investment in e-mobility.

By creating a favourable environment for electric vehicles, the continent can attract funding and accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels.

However, challenges remain in the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

Stephen Nzioka, director of renewable energy in Kenya's Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, pointed to inadequate charging infrastructure as a significant barrier.

To address this issue, Kenya has implemented government-led initiatives to expand charging networks and incentivize electric vehicle ownership.

The Africa E-Mobility Alliance, led by Warren Ondanje, called for the harmonization of e-mobility standards across the continent to facilitate the seamless movement of electric vehicles.

This would not only reduce costs but also promote interoperability and encourage regional cooperation.

Hilina Legesse, president of the Addis Ababa E-Mobility Association, emphasized the economic benefits of electric vehicles.

With lower operating costs compared to traditional vehicles, electric transportation can provide significant savings for both individuals and businesses.

As Africa accelerates its e-mobility journey, the event in Nairobi served as a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

By addressing the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by electric vehicles, the continent can pave the way for a cleaner, more sustainable future.