A proposed move by the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) to introduce toll fees on several major highways has ignited a firestorm of criticism, with Kenyans expressing deep discontent over the additional financial burden amid a challenging economic climate.

The public’s ire has been sparked by KeNHA’s announcement that it is in the process of developing a Road Tolling Policy, which will determine which roads will be subject to tolls.

A list of potential toll roads, including the Nairobi Southern Bypass, Nairobi-Nakuru-Mau Summit Highway, and Thika Superhighway, among others, has further inflamed public opinion.

"Once the Policy is finalized, it will guide which roads will be tolled. Some of the critical roads that will be presented for consideration include the Nairobi Southern Bypass, Nairobi-Nakuru-Mau Summit Highway, Thika Superhighway, Kenol-Sagana-Marua Road, Mombasa Southern," KeNHA said.

Kenyans have taken to various platforms to voice their opposition to the proposed toll fees, arguing that the move is ill-timed and insensitive to the prevailing economic hardships facing the nation.

Many have questioned the necessity of introducing tolls on roads that were largely funded by taxpayer money, emphasizing the government’s role as a custodian of public funds rather than a revenue-generating entity.

The public has also raised concerns about the potential for corruption and inefficiency within KeNHA, alleging that the toll fees could be a conduit for graft.

Critics have pointed to the government’s existing revenue streams, such as the fuel levy, and demanded accountability in the utilization of these funds before imposing additional financial burdens on citizens.

KeNHA, for its part, has sought to allay public fears, assuring the public of extensive public participation in the development of the Road Tolling Policy.

The authority has emphasized its commitment to transparency and inclusivity throughout the process.

"KeNHA remains committed to transparency and inclusivity throughout this process and will continue to engage with the public at every stage," the authority stated.

However, the public remains sceptical, with many dismissing the assurances as mere lip service.

The proposed toll fees have become a rallying point for public discontent, with Kenyans demanding that their voices be heard and their concerns addressed before any implementation takes place.

It remains to be seen how KeNHA will navigate the public outcry as it moves forward with the development of its Road Tolling Policy.

Below are some of the comments Kenyans had on the idea of introducing the toll fees on the major highways: