In a surprising turn of events, the planned new salary structure set to be implemented across various sectors has been officially suspended.

This comes following the issuance of a degazettement notice, which effectively nullifies the previous directives aimed at restructuring salaries.

The decision to halt the implementation was communicated through an official notice by the government through the CS Ministry of Public Service Moses Kuria to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC), indicating that it has reconsidered its position on the matter.

The notice states, “The implementation of the new salary structure, as previously gazetted, has been suspended until further notice.”

This move has generated significant attention and speculation regarding the reasons behind the sudden change.

While the exact motivations remain unclear, the notice further explains, “All stakeholders are hereby advised to maintain the current salary structures until new directives are issued.”

The new salary structure had been a topic of discussion and anticipation, with various sectors preparing for its rollout.

The unexpected halt has left many wondering about the future course of action and the potential implications for employees and employers alike.

The government’s decision underscores the complexity and sensitivity surrounding salary adjustments and the need for thorough deliberation before implementation.

For now, the status quo remains, and public servants will continue to receive their salaries based on the existing structure.