Kenya Airways (KQ) has announced significant disruptions in its flight schedules, resulting in unusual delays that have left passengers frustrated.

The national carrier attributes these disruptions primarily to the unexpected and prolonged grounding of two of its 787 Dreamliners.

According to KQ, the situation arose from delayed deliveries of crucial engines and engine components.

In a statement, Kenya Airways revealed, "We are experiencing some disruptions in our flight schedules, which are leading to abnormally high levels of delays. 'The main reason for these disruptions is the unscheduled and extended grounding of two of our 787 Dreamliners due to delayed engine and engine components delivery."

Additionally the airline said the unavailability of flight crew for certain regional flights has exacerbated the issue.

In response to these challenges, Kenya Airways is implementing several immediate measures:

Network Readjustments: The airline is modifying its network to better manage the disruptions.

Proactive Communication: Efforts are being made to inform affected customers as promptly as possible.

Aircraft Recovery: Accelerating the process to bring the grounded aircraft back into service.

Schedule Adjustments: Downgrading some flights to minimise the impact on overall operations.

The airline has issued a sincere apology to its customers, acknowledging the inconvenience caused by these delays.

KQ also informed its customers that it is working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

We are doing everything in our power to resolve this situation as quickly and efficiently as possible," the statement read.

The carrier expects to normalise its network by Tuesday, following the receipt and installation of the necessary engines and components.

For further assistance or if your flight is affected, Kenya Airways encourages passengers to contact their Customer Excellence team