Traders at Nairobi’s Wakulima Market found themselves in a tense standoff with county security officials on Thursday morning, as they resisted a forced relocation to the newly opened Kangundo Road market

The county government’s plan, intended to decongest the Central Business District, faced fierce opposition from traders who argued that the new site lacked adequate infrastructure and was already overcrowded.

The eviction notice, issued on Tuesday, targeted vendors dealing in potatoes, pineapples, oranges, and onions, ordering them to vacate Wakulima Market.

Officials aimed to ease traffic flow and increase parking space in the city centre.

However, the traders' discontent boiled over when county officials arrived early Thursday to clear their stalls.

In a show of defiance, the traders lit bonfires, hurled stones, and blocked the busy road, causing major traffic disruptions.

Police were deployed, firing tear gas to disperse the crowd, yet the standoff dragged on for several hours.

The traders are demanding an audience with Governor Johnson Sakaja to resolve the issue, insisting on assurances regarding the conditions at the Kangundo Road market.

The ongoing dispute highlights the broader tensions between Nairobi’s county government and market traders, as the push to modernise infrastructure meets resistance from those whose livelihoods are at risk.