Kirinyaga County is spearheading a multifaceted initiative to combat the escalating prevalence of lifestyle diseases and uplift its communities.

Governor Anne Waiguru has unveiled a comprehensive plan that encompasses public health, economic empowerment, and infrastructure development.

A stark reality has emerged: Kirinyaga leads the county rankings in diabetes and hypertension, a crisis attributed largely to dietary habits centred on starch and red meat.

In response, the governor has championed fish consumption as a pivotal strategy to reverse this trend.

“We are not only encouraging our people to engage in fish farming as a way of creating alternative livelihoods but also to increase consumption so as to improve nutritional status in the county,” Governor Waiguru affirmed during a recent event in Kangai.

To bolster this initiative, the county is investing heavily in aquaculture.

A distribution of 101 fish pond liners to farmers in Mwea West marks a significant step towards this goal.

The administration aims to escalate fish production from the current 71.3 tons to a substantial 371 tons by 2027.

“We have 505 liners set for distribution across the county with each liner going to one household. We will thereafter issue each of the households with 1,000 fingerlings and fish feeds for the first six months,” Waiguru added.

Beyond health, the county is concurrently addressing critical infrastructural needs.

The issuance of water pipes and fittings for Kangai Ward is a testament to this commitment.

“The pipes and fittings will enhance the distribution of water from KICOWASCO Bulk Water Supply,” explained Governor Waiguru.

This development is expected to benefit approximately 7,500 residents across Kangai and Kathiga Locations.

Furthermore, the governor's administration is prioritizing community empowerment.

The distribution of chairs to 18 groups and sports equipment to local teams underscores this focus.

“Sports not only brings the youth together but also helps them realize their full potential,” Governor Waiguru remarked.

The impact of these initiatives is already being felt on the ground.

Moses Chomba, a local fish farmer, expressed gratitude for the Wezesha empowerment program, stating, "The fish projects that have been undertaken through Wezesha program have really transformed the lives of many people in our county."

As the county navigates the challenges of modern living, Governor Waiguru's administration is demonstrating a comprehensive approach to improving the lives of its citizens.

By addressing health, economy, and infrastructure simultaneously, Kirinyaga is positioning itself as a model for sustainable development.