The international hacker collective, Anonymous, has issued a stern warning to the Kenyan government, urging them to uphold the rule of law during demonstrations against the proposed Finance Bill.

The message, delivered via social media and accompanied by an image of the group's signature Guy Fawkes mask, carries a potent threat: expose alleged corruption within the Kenyan parliament.

The warning comes amidst rising tensions in Kenya. Recent "Occupy Parliament" protests saw hundreds of peaceful demonstrators arrested, with reports of live ammunition being used by police.

This heavy-handed response fueled online outrage, leading to the circulation of Kenyan MPs' contact details – a move the Office of Data Protection Commissioner deemed a privacy violation.

Undeterred, Kenyans further shared the Commissioner's own contact information in an act of defiance.

This escalation prompted complaints from some MPs, who reported being harassed online and even opting to stay off social media altogether.

Anonymous capitalised on the simmering discontent.

Their statement, laced with ominous undertones, highlighted the freely available MPs' contact details and the potential for a "hacking uprising" targeting these officials.

They alluded to the potential exposure of "secrets" that could reveal "corrupt and unjust" actions by parliamentarians, specifically regarding the alleged embezzlement of public funds.

Formed in 2003, Anonymous has a history of controversial cyberattacks against institutions and governments.

They operate under an anarchist ideology, shrouding themselves in anonymity and utilizing voice-altering technology to further obfuscate their identities.

Their intervention in the Kenyan situation has garnered significant support on social media, with some Kenyans viewing it as an empowering escalation of their social activism.

However, the potential consequences of Anonymous' actions remain unclear.

While the group's involvement has ignited a spark of hope among some Kenyans, the legality and potential impact of their actions are subjects of ongoing debate.