Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has called upon residents of the Mt. Kenya region to reject tribal politics and instead rally behind President William Ruto's administration.

Emphasising the need for unity and development, Waiguru stressed that divisive politics should be abandoned for the greater good of the nation.

Speaking during the Madaraka Day celebrations held at Mutitu Polytechnic grounds in Kirinyaga Central sub-county, Waiguru urged leaders to focus on serving the people rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric.

"In 2007, we were in the same situation we are in now. As a leader from Mt. Kenya, I cannot knowingly allow our people to be misled into separating themselves from the rest of Kenyans," Waiguru stated.

"When you hear me and other leaders emphasising that we call ourselves 'Kenyans' in one voice, we as Mount Kenyans are the ones to benefit the most. But if we agree to set ourselves apart from other tribes, we will have gone wrong."

Waiguru highlighted the significant benefits the region has gained from the Kenya Kwanza government, urging residents to support the administration to ensure continued development.

"We want to be considered Kenyans, not Kikuyus. Kikuyus are all over the country working in different jobs. That is why that tribal rhetoric and politics are very dangerous. We want a unified nation because we know how to align ourselves in government, and even now we are in government and still bringing development to our people," she remarked.

The Governor, who also chairs the Council of Governors (COG), emphasised that it is premature for political campaigns and that leaders should prioritise development.

"Time for campaigns will come, we are only two years into office. What the people want is development and this should be our focus at the moment," she asserted.

Waiguru expressed her resolve to continue advocating for unity and development despite opposition from those seeking to create unnecessary conflicts.

"We have not told anyone to vacate his seat. What we are saying is that we should also allow others who have ambitions to exercise their rights. We should hold their hand and not fight them," she explained.

The event also saw other leaders echoing Waiguru's sentiments. Kirinyaga Central MP Gitari Gachoki and several Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) urged elected officials to concentrate on serving their constituents.

Gachoki affirmed the region's support for Waiguru, indicating that the people of Kirinyaga would back her if she chose to pursue a higher office in 2027.

Governor Waiguru's message was clear: unity and development should take precedence over divisive politics to ensure the prosperity and cohesion of the nation.