Kenya Airways Group Managing Director and CEO, Allan Kilavuka, has been recognized for his exceptional leadership in the African aviation industry.

Kilavuka received the prestigious 2024 African Aviation Leadership Award, a testament to his dedication to advancing air travel across the continent.

Established in 1999 by African Aviation Magazine, the award acknowledges individuals and organizations that have significantly contributed to the growth and development of African aviation.

"This award highlights Allan's exceptional leadership, visionary approach, and dedication to advancing the aviation industry across the continent," said Nick Fadugba FRAeS, CEO of African Aviation, praising Kilavuka's achievements.

"His innovative strategies and commitment to excellence have set new benchmarks in the industry, inspiring peers and driving significant progress."

In his acceptance speech, Kilavuka acknowledged the collective effort behind the recognition.

"I am deeply honoured to receive the prestigious African Aviation Leadership Award," Kilavuka stated.

"This accolade reflects the dedication and passion of the entire Kenya Airways team. It highlights our commitment to excellence, innovation, and enhancing connectivity across our continent."

A distinguished panel of industry leaders judged the award, including Nick Fadugba (CEO, African Aviation), Alfred Jones (Managing Director, Fulcrum Capital, USA), Richard Bouma (Chairman, ARC Group, South Africa), Joao Jorge (Former CEO, LAM-Mozambique), and Joachim Vermooten (Transport Economist, University of Johannesburg, South Africa).

The award ceremony coincided with the 32nd Anniversary of African Aviation's MRO Africa & African Aviation Training and Air Finance Africa Conferences, a celebration of decades of excellence and progress within the African aviation sector.

Past recipients of the award include Ethiopian Airlines ("African Airline of the Year"), Michael Shirim (founder and Chairman of Precision Air, "African Aviation Individual Achievement Award"), and Mr. Nick Fadugba himself (honored with the "African Aviation Lifetime Achievement Award").

The recognition of Allan Kilavuka with this award underscores his significant impact on the aviation industry in Africa, further solidifying Kenya Airways' reputation as a leader in innovation and excellence in the sector.