On Wednesday, President Joe Biden welcomed President William Ruto to the White House for an important roundtable discussion focused on technological advancement.

The meeting underscored the United States' commitment to bolstering digital innovation and expanding technological resources.

President Ruto commended the United States for its increasing investment in the digital sphere.

“No partnership is as valuable as one that is anchored on technology,” he remarked, highlighting the transformative potential of technology in expanding opportunities and improving lives across Kenya and the African continent.

Following the roundtable, President Ruto visited the U.S. Capitol where he engaged in discussions with Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, and various members of Congress from both the Democratic and Republican parties.

These discussions centred on strengthening Kenya-U.S. cooperation, with a particular focus on resolving conflicts and addressing security concerns in the Horn of Africa.

President Ruto also held talks with key U.S. Senators, including Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell.

During these engagements, he reiterated his hope for deeper partnerships and stronger bonds between Kenya and the United States.

In recognition of his efforts and contributions, President Ruto was honoured as an Honorary Member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

He praised the CBC for its pivotal role in promoting social justice, human rights, and economic development globally.

“A bold, robust and targeted approach will free Africa of the debt burden and transform the world,” Ruto asserted, urging Congress to lead in reconfiguring the global financial structure to ensure power is more evenly distributed.

President Ruto’s visit also included a solemn moment of respect at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, where he paid tribute to the fallen heroes of the United States.

This visit marks a significant step in the continued collaboration between Kenya and the United States, with technology and economic development at the forefront of their shared agenda.