Leaders from Kenya, the Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic have vowed to join forces in the fight against terrorism and insecurity on the African continent as well as promoting trade.

President William Ruto expressed the commitment of the three nations to achieving lasting peace and stability in the region, highlighting the urgency of restoring peace in Sudan to address the humanitarian crisis and reduce the refugee influx.

During a meeting held in Oyo on Sunday, the Republic of the Congo, President Ruto, alongside President Faustin-Archange Touadéra of the Central African Republic and President Denis Sassou N'Guesso of the Republic of Congo, discussed strategies to normalize the situation in Sudan and bring conflicting parties to the negotiating table.

They emphasized the importance of collaborating with other African leaders and warring factions to restore peace and allow for much-needed humanitarian assistance.

Ruto underscored the significance of intelligence sharing and united positions on international platforms to advance Africa's peace agenda.

"Our countries need to work together to find appropriate solutions to the common problems facing global and regional peace and security," he stated.

The presidents acknowledged that combatting radicalization and violent extremism was vital to achieving sustainable peace, security, and stability in the region.

In addition to their security cooperation, the leaders also pledged to strengthen bilateral relations among the three nations and promote trade within Africa.

President Ruto expressed enthusiasm for exploring emerging and untapped trade opportunities that would benefit the people of Kenya, the Central African Republic, and the Republic of Congo.

"This is the time for Africa to trade with itself, and Kenya is keen to collaborate with the Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo to realize this noble objective," he affirmed.

The joint efforts of Kenya, the Republic of Congo, and the Central African Republic in combating terrorism and fostering intra-Africa trade reflect a united front to address critical challenges and pursue mutual prosperity.

With their commitment to peace and stability, these nations aim to set an example for the entire African continent, demonstrating the power of collaboration in overcoming common obstacles.

As Africa continues its journey towards progress and development, the partnership forged by these three nations holds promise for a brighter future, where peace, security, and economic growth can flourish hand in hand.