President-elect William Ruto has appealed to leaders to respect the Supreme Court’s decision in the ongoing presidential election petition challenging his win in the recent election.

Ruto said that on Thursday during the swearing-in ceremony of Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).

He appealed to all leaders to respect the decision of all bodies handling electoral matters and move on because Kenyans have shown they wish to resume their normal lives.

Ruto also asked the leaders to heed the messages of Kenyan citizens who want peace and non-partisan politics.

“I ask all leaders of Kenya to listen to the loud message coming from the citizens of our country. They are speaking to us loudly that they want their politics to be non-tribal and peaceful,” Ruto said.

“In this election, we have seen a very new phenomenon… That we all voted and the next day we were ready to go to work and go on with our lives and everybody on to their hustle. That is the loud statement that is coming from the people of Kenya to those of us who are leaders.”

The President-elect emphasises that leaders should hearken to the people of Kenya in order to conclude the last part of the electoral process peacefully and accordingly.

“I'm asking all of us as leaders to listen to what the people of Kenya are saying so that we can conclude the remaining steps of our election, in a peaceful, orderly, respectful manner, respecting all the institutions that will discharge their responsibilities because we are a country governed by the rule of law and by our constitution,” he said.

The last part of the electoral process Ruto was speaking about was the transition and handing over of power.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman declared Ruto the winner of the presidential contest although without the blessing of a larger section of the IEBC Commissioner.

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga rejected the result Chebukati read and filed a petition at the Supreme Court challenging Ruto’s win.