City criminal lawyer Cliff Ombeta has declared his interest in the Bonchari MP seat in the coming general election.

Ombeta will be vying for the parliamentary seat on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket.

Ombeta said that he had shelved his ambition to become the Monchari MP in the recent by-election in favour of Teresa Bitutu Oroo.

Orange Democratic Movement’s (ODM) Pavel Oimeke bagged the parliamentary seat.

Ombeta said that he has already started campaigning for the position and popularizing his party in the region.

A UDA constituency office has already been opened by Ombeta in Suneka Township as part of the preparation for the campaign.

However, Ombeta still has to fight for nominations with Teresa Bitutu before battling it out with Oimeke in the 2022 election.

He said is cognizant of the fact that Bonchari is widely believed to be an ODM stronghold but he braves that UDA is already gaining popularity with the recent by-election being a litmus test.

UDA candidate in the by-election Teresa Bitutu managed 6,964 votes.