In a decisive statement, President William Ruto declared the recent ban on muguka in Kilifi and Mombasa counties invalid, citing national legislation that recognises the crop.

This assertion came during a significant meeting with Embu County leaders where the president pointed out that muguka is protected under the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.

These regulations were ratified by the National Assembly, the Senate, and received concurrence from the Council of Governors.

"With muguka having been recognised by national legislation, any other laws or orders that contradict national legislation is null and void," Ruto stated from State House.

The President highlighted that the regulations, having passed through Parliament, mandate the government to support various aspects of the muguka industry.

This includes funding for farming, licensing, promotion, regulation, transportation, aggregation, selling, marketing, and export of the crop.

This declaration followed a meeting with key figures from Embu County, including Governor Cecily Mbarire, the Deputy Governor, the Senator, the Women Representative, Members of the National Assembly, and all Members of the County Assembly.

Agriculture and Livestock Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi, also present at the meeting, reiterated that muguka, a variety of miraa, is indeed a scheduled crop as per the Crops Act 2013 and the Miraa Regulations 2023.

The meeting clarified that these national laws and regulations supersede any local bans, ensuring the legal and regulated production and sale of muguka.

As part of the regulatory framework, the Crops Act 2013 provisions for the establishment of the Miraa/Muguka Pricing Committee.

The Council of Governors has already nominated three members to this committee, further operationalising the act.

Moreover, the regulations introduce a Miraa/Muguka Standard Code of Practice to oversee the crop's farming, licensing, promotion, regulation, transportation, aggregation, selling, marketing, and export.

To address stakeholder concerns, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock will convene a consultative forum to discuss the implementation of the Miraa/Muguka Regulations 2023.

The government's commitment to the muguka industry includes a significant financial pledge, with Sh500 million allocated in the 2024/25 Financial Year for value addition to these crops.

President Ruto also reaffirmed the government's dedication to combating drugs, illicit brews, and other illegal substances, emphasising the distinction between regulated crops like muguka and harmful substances.

This stance aims to clarify and secure the future of muguka farming and trade within the legal framework established by national legislation.