Kenya Railways has embarked on an ambitious series of projects under its newly launched Strategic Plan, designed to significantly improve rail transport efficiency across the nation and beyond.

Chairman Abdi Bare Duale recently outlined these innovative initiatives aimed at enhancing both freight and passenger services, encompasses a variety of innovative projects set to significantly boost the efficiency of the rail system.

In a bid to improve freight transportation, the Corporation is undertaking several critical initiatives. Among these are the reconstruction of the Mariakani and Athi River Freight Yards and the rehabilitation of lines at the Port Reitz Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) marshalling yard.

Additionally, Kenya Railways is acquiring 480 new wagons and rehabilitating the Longonot–Malaba Metre Gauge Railway (MGR) line.

These steps are expected to streamline freight movements and support economic growth by ensuring faster and more reliable cargo transport.

On the passenger services front, Kenya Railways is rolling out several noteworthy projects.

These include the introduction of the Kenya Railways Premium service, which promises an enhanced travel experience. Furthermore, the Corporation is adding more coaches to the Nairobi-Suswa route, a move anticipated to increase capacity and improve service frequency.

Other significant developments include the construction of the Riruta-Ngong MGR commuter line and the establishment of a new link line connecting the Miritini SGR Terminus to Mombasa's Central Business District (CBD).

Kenya Railways emphasised that these initiatives underscore its commitment to delivering efficient and dependable transportation services.

"These initiatives signify Kenya Railways' commitment to providing efficient and reliable transportation services, driving progress and connectivity across the nation," stated Kenya Railways stated.

As these projects come to fruition, they are expected to not only enhance the operational capabilities of Kenya Railways but also play a crucial role in the nation's broader development goals.

By improving both freight and passenger rail services, Kenya Railways aims to foster greater connectivity and stimulate economic activities across the region.