In a decisive move to combat the widespread use and distribution of Muguka, Kilifi County has enacted an all-encompassing ban on the substance.

This measure is laid out in Executive Order No. 1 of 2024, signed by Governor Gideon Mung'aro.

The directive explicitly states, “In exercise of the powers conferred in Section 30(2)(1) of the County Government Act and all other enabling laws of Kenya, I, Gideon Maitha Mung'aro, Governor of Kilifi County, hereby order and direct as follows:”.

It outlines four primary mandates:

 • Complete prohibition on the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of Muguka and its products within Kilifi County.

 • Immediate closure of all retail and wholesale outlets selling and/or distributing Muguka.

 • Ban on motor vehicles transporting Muguka from entering Kilifi County.

 • Strict enforcement of this order by county departments and their agencies without exception.

Governor Mung'aro has instructed all enforcement officers within Kilifi County to ensure full compliance with these regulations.

“In light of the above order, I therefore, with immediate effect, issue a directive to all the Kilifi County enforcement officers through the Directorate of enforcement to ensure the order is enforced in totality. Any officer found colluding with culprits will face the law and all the disciplinary actions there are,” Mung'aro emphasized.

During a press briefing, Mung'aro elaborated on the rationale behind the ban, highlighting the detrimental impact of Muguka on the community, particularly the youth.

“I have addressed this issue of Muguka and what the people at the grassroots are saying about Muguka. Secondly, even my counterparts who had not yet made the decision have followed suit, you have seen Mombasa have implemented it… I am the one who initiated this movement," Mung'aro stated.

"I am sure in the end all the governors in the coastal region will unite to save our children from Muguka. Muguka is being consumed even by children who are between the ages of five, six, ten.”

Mung'aro further underscored the urgency of the situation, drawing a parallel with the national fight against alcohol abuse.

“You know, you cannot claim that Mount Kenya region is fighting alcohol abuse but if you turn to Kilifi or the coastal region you allow the use of Muguka. If you look under NACADA regulations, Muguka is not among the authorised to be sold," he stated.

"Therefore, I am saying this is not a matter of time, it is dangerous for our children, it’s destroying our children. If the government is fighting drugs, we also want to say that we do not want Muguka because it is destroying our children."

This stringent measure is a clear message from the Kilifi County government about its commitment to safeguarding the well-being of its residents, particularly the younger generation.