Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has reported a significant boost in tax collections, amounting to Sh180.6 million, attributed to the contribution of newly recruited Revenue Service Tax Assistants.

These assistants have played a crucial role in expanding the tax base and enhancing revenue mobilization across the country.

During a briefing to the parliamentary committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity, KRA Commissioner General Humphrey Wattanga emphasized the pivotal role of these assistants.

He disclosed that they have identified over 20,500 unregistered taxpayers and facilitated the compliance of an additional 10,515 taxpayers with various tax obligations.

"The recently recruited KRA Revenue Assistants have made significant progress in expanding the tax base and enhancing revenue mobilization across the country," KRA stated.

These field officers have been instrumental in supporting KRA's endeavors to collect additional revenue and combat tax evasion, as asserted by the authority.

To equip the field officers for their tasks, KRA provided them with paramilitary training, ensuring they can handle the physical demands of their duties while fostering qualities such as discipline, dedication, perseverance, courage, and commitment.

Moreover, the officers underwent technical training covering areas such as value-added tax, customs, and KRA business systems.

This comprehensive training aims to enhance their effectiveness in addressing diverse taxpayers and complex tax evasion schemes.

"Recognizing the challenges faced by field officers in dealing with diverse taxpayers and complex tax evasion schemes, KRA provided comprehensive training to equip them with both tax knowledge and paramilitary skills," stated KRA.

The success of these initiatives underscores KRA's commitment to optimizing tax collection processes and fostering compliance among taxpayers.

With the diligent efforts of the newly recruited assistants, KRA aims to further strengthen revenue mobilization efforts and ensure the integrity of the tax system in Kenya.